Wednesday, September 23, 2009

10 for Wednesday

I have a friend who loves lists. Her lists often encourage me. Today I'm feeling like I got nothing done. So I need to take some time and remember what it was all about today. In honor of my friend I'm going to make a list of 10 things I did today.

1. I woke up before my husband left for work just so I could say goodbye and give him a little company. This was especially hard for me this morning because I'm sick and my new pillow feels like a marshmallow.

2. I took the time to fix my hair and put on makeup before taking my kids to school this morning.

3. I noticed my daughter is getting taller and needs new shirts.

4. I ate breakfast.

5. I tracked down several strange credits out of my bank account.

6. I took Cale to OT and saw how much better he is at his gross motor skills than he was 6 months ago.

7. I enjoyed having lunch with my son.

8. I let Cale stay home to enjoy watching a movie all by himself instead of taking him back for the last hour of school.

9. I did one load of laundry.

10. I treated myself to only one Mtn Dew.

1 comment:

mamarach said...

Do I really love lists? :) Glad I could inspire you. It has really given me some awesome perspective on my days. Not by showing me all that I did to feel accomplished but all that I did that was IMPORTANT. To really look at the heart of what we are doing and how can we discover that which is the most important? That is where I am heading next...