Friday, July 9, 2010

The end of that bad day

A big thank you goes out to those of you who at some point today encouraged me to "put down the knife," "think about things that are true and praiseworthy," told me I'm a good mom and wife, or called a prayed for me on my voicemail. I am so blessed with wonderful friends in my life who love me and show me the love of God for me.

Since it is close to the end of the day (e.g. the kids are all in bed and well on their way to dreamland) I thought I would finish the list of things I got done today.

42. took Dante and Scotlynn to pick up the kids
43. actually got Dante and Scotlynn out of the car to pick up the kids.
44. got the kids back in the car with a minimum of distration
45. ran by the Dr.'s office to fill out some paperwork
46. talked to Tina
47. called my sister in law
48. talked to my mother in law in regards to Grandma Chris' condition
49. talked to my husband regarding his grandmother's condition
50. got a voicemail from a friend who prayed for me (you will never know how much that touched me my sweet sister)
51. got the kids home
52. put in a movie
53. put Ila in charge
54. took a beautiful, carefree bubble bath
55. checked email
56. got dressed
57. took all four kids to LBC for dinner and AWANA
58. went to the library by myself for the first time since having children
59. found tons of books on Asperger's Syndrome and even a fun book about boobs
60. kept myself from bursting into tears when my husband found me at the library and asked if I was okay
61. picked my kids up from AWANA and was genuinely glad to see them and touch them and have them back
62. got home, put my books on my bed, and sat at my computer to update you all

Again, a million thanks for those of you who took the time to reach out. I love you!

*as posted on String of Pearls 9/17/08

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