Thursday, February 10, 2011

a new challenge for a new year

I don't have a good reason for this blog other than that I love pictures and I love participating in challenges with my friends.  Several people I know are doing this on facebook, but I wanted to do it somewhere it wouldn't just be burried with all the other junk.  This blog is a much better archive, I believe. Another challenge I have given myself lately is to go deeper in my life.  To dig out the stuff that is there, hang on to the important life changing things, and release the crap that is holding me back.  So this is my response to my friend Emily's blog.  I am taking up the challenge for 31 days of pictures. 

Day 01 – A picture of yourself with ten facts.

1- I love the rain and everything to do with it.
2- I am discovering my inner artist.
3- I am learning to slow down and stop hurrying.
4- Honesty and vulnerability are important to me.
5- The older I get the harder it is for me to stick to the values I grew up with.
6- I am a scientist at heart.  I love to know how things work and why they work.  I am most intrigued by biology.
7- I am not as brave as I seem sometimes.
8- I have taken a 12 step class and I don't care what you think of me when I say it was one of the most eye opening experiences of my life.
9-I am weak, I cannot live life on my own.  I need the people God has given me to spur me on to love and good deeds.
10- I am tired of living the Metroville, suburbia lifestyle.  I want adventure.  I want to save the world, or at least my little corner of it.  I want to be a super hero.  I want to live the abundant life that Jesus came to give.


Unknown said...

I loved reading this post. I am glad that I get to witness the transformation you have undergone.

Beth Morey said...

This made me smile. Love the painting in your photo!

Beth Morey said...

(Oh, and I really, really want #10, too.)